welcome to

word of life Lutheran church

Inspiring all to love, live, and serve like Jesus.

At Word of Life, we want to be filled with inspiration, inspiration from God and from one another. We believe that inspiration leads to action, and we want the world to know the power of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.

We invite you to join us.

sunday worship times

8:30am - Traditional Worship

9:45am - Adult Bible Study and Sunday School for the Kids

10:45am - Contemporary Worship

10:45am - Kid's Church (during the Contemporary Worship service)

*Our services are both in-person and streamed live on Sundays at 8:30am and 10:45am. You can stream them on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wolnaperville, or on our YouTube page, where if you go to YouTube directly, simply search "Word of Life Naperville" to find us.

most recent sermon

Our new Sunday sermon series, "Cornerstone Habits," starts May 19th. In this three-week sermon series, we'll be looking at how God can help us get on the right path with good habits.

click here to go to our sermon archive.